Su Yadanar Tin

Su Yadanar Tin

Freelancer ID 4601273

Translation Yangon

Basic Computing Blog Writing Burmese Content Writing Email Handling English English (UK) English (US) English Grammer English Spelling Excel Google Search Internet/Email Microsoft Office Myanmar Social Media Management Typing Translation English Translator Content Writer

About Freelancer

Hi, I'm really excited to be working as a freelance, and promise to always put quality first no matter what. Everything I make as a freelancer will be going towards charity, so I promise that your money will go to good use. Past work experiences of mine include running a company, translating from Burmese to English, starting a social media campaign, teaching English, tutoring up to high school level math, leading various community service groups, writing and editing articles for various English language newsletters, creating minimalistic presentations and posters, and calling for customer service as part of a call center. I look forward to working with you!

Work Summary

Ongoing Projects: 0

Currently Active Bids: 1

Projects Completed: 0

Total Bids: 1