Aye Lwin Soe

Aye Lwin Soe

Freelancer ID 4208659

Web, Mobile & Software Development Yangon

Ajax API Bootstrap Burmese CodeIgniter CSS Database Design Ecommerce English Git HTML HTML5 JavaScript JQuery JSON Laravel MVC Myanmar MySQL OOP PHP Software Installation Ubuntu UI/UX Design Web Design Website Testing Windows OS CSS3

About Freelancer

My name is Aye Lwin Soe.I have graduated BE.IT from Technological University,Kyaukse in February 2019. I am a web developer and mentor. Most of my time revolves around writing code and building software. I love learning new things and playing with different technologies, projects and tools. My major expertise and interest lies in the following programming languages, PHP , Javascript. I have lots of experience in the production of CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, MVC, CI , Wordpress, and other websites. Trainging Project writing Vuejs and Laravel and small projects writing PHP,CI,Laravel and MVC. I write other small projects using php and laravel.

Work Summary

Ongoing Projects: 0

Currently Active Bids: 1

Projects Completed: 0

Total Bids: 1