Nan Kham

Nan Kham

Freelancer ID 1905472

Customer Service Yangon

Burmese Content Writing Customer Support Data Processing Email Handling English English Spelling Excel Internet/Email Microsoft Office Test Cases Digital Marketing Sale & Marketing Social Marketing

About Freelancer

Hello !
I'm Nan Kham and from southern shan state. But, I've lived and graduated in Yangon with English Literature. And I've got many Diplomas such as Accounting (LCCI Level 3), Computerized Accounting, Hospitality Management, Business English from UK. I've got many experiences in Hospitality Industry especially in customer service providing. I'm very good at dealing with customers, computer skills, internet & emailing, and concentration on my work to be on time. Regarding my translation experience, I have only one project in Ministry of Education. I'm very keen to be able to earn as a freelancer from home. And, I'm also a very responsiveness lady.

Work Summary

Ongoing Projects: 0

Currently Active Bids: 4

Projects Completed: 0

Total Bids: 4