Aye Moet Moet Zaw

Aye Moet Moet Zaw

Freelancer ID 3452081

Customer Service Other

Content Writing Customer Support English Google Search Project Management Sale & Marketing English Translator Content Writing (Myan, Eng) SME Marketing & Advertising Planning Customer Service Movie Review writing Social Marketing

About Freelancer

I am a youth who is 18. I am trying to get more experience and extra money for my University fees. I have many experiences on project management, content writing and business plans. If you need for work, I can prove my experiences in anyway. I also have a smart teamwork and am so mindful. Furthermore, my English level is upper intermediate and I am working as a page admin(Content writer) and marketing consultant at a food delivery page. At least, I want to say thanks for your attention and hope I will work happily and smarty with you. For more information, you can contact me by phone or email.

Work Summary

Ongoing Projects: 0

Currently Active Bids: 3

Projects Completed: 0

Total Bids: 3