Kyawt Kay Khine Htet

Kyawt Kay Khine Htet

Freelancer ID 6128739

Translation Yangon


About Freelancer

My name is kyawt kay khine htet. I am over 20. In the upcoming April, I will be 21. I graduated with English specialization from Dagon university since in January, 2020. So, It’s been one year already. After graduation, I worked as a guide. Since I was a university student, I taught English to the students from international schools. I participated in most of the university’s activities. I was chosen as a prize tray holder in all the universities of lower Myanmar sports competitions. I did as the signboard holder by representing the state. Moreover, I entertained as the pageant in the paying homage ceremony to the teachers of English Major. I did volunteer in the charity of English major. Its name is Royal sesames. I also worked as a translator in the Edge journal that was published by Dagon university. As the outbound activities, I competed debate matches that was arranged by edulife. I got prizes from that matches. I was also chosen as the volunteer of British Council library but unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to do it because of covid pandemic. During this pandemic, I filled my knowledge. I passed the entrance of tour guide license class that was held by the ministry of hotel and tourism. After this class, I got second prize. When I overviewed what I have done, I think myself that I am so happy to do with the teamwork. I also like to present in front of the people. My family always supports me whatever I want to be. The reason why I chose this job is that I am so passionate to this job and I hope this job will be the same as my abilities. If I was employed , I have strong willingness to do all the duties that I was given.

Work Summary

Ongoing Projects: 0

Currently Active Bids: 1

Projects Completed: 0

Total Bids: 1