May Thae Kyaw Soe

May Thae Kyaw Soe

Freelancer ID 1728534

Translation Other

Burmese Content Writing English English (US) English Grammer English Spelling Illustrator Sketch Myan to Eng Translator English Translator English To Myanmar Translation English - Myanmar Translation Content Writing (Myan, Eng)

About Freelancer

I am a 18 years old Burmese student from Maesot,Thailand.Currently preparing for GED and I’m pretty confident in my writing and translation skills,both in English and Burmese.I can translate articles well and I had a few experiences of doing so for a pre-school learning aid video and a few news articles from a local media.I can also illustrate basic stuff and characters for commercials.I can complete the tasks given to me as fast as I can.

Work Summary

Ongoing Projects: 0

Currently Active Bids: 0

Projects Completed: 0

Total Bids: 0