Htet Htet Htun

Htet Htet Htun

Freelancer ID 8367094

Content Writing Yangon

3D Design AutoCAD Basic Computing Brochure Design Burmese Content Writing Microsoft Office Photo Editing Photoshop Project Management Graphic Design Human Resource

About Freelancer

Dear Client,

At first, I want to introduce a little about myself. I’m an engineer and now I’m working in construction. I was granduated in last five years ago. I want to join online content writer job, because writing is one of my hobby and I would like to share my skills, knowledges and experiences and to others. Especially, for students who want to learn and search in online to improve their education. If you hire me, I’m welcome to accept the job of content writer.

Best Regard,
Htet Htet Htun

Work Summary

Ongoing Projects: 0

Currently Active Bids: 8

Projects Completed: 1

Total Bids: 9