Thant Hnin Zar

Thant Hnin Zar

Freelancer ID 6085327

Customer Service Yangon

Customer Support English English Grammer English Spelling Myanmar Tailor Translation General Management Social Marketing

About Freelancer

I am Thant Hnin Zar. I am 26 years old. I live in Yangon with my parents. I am working as a staff in Government office.
I got the certifications such as BE civil, Dip in Development Studies, Advanced diploma in Business Management, Dip in English Language Proficiency (YUFL), Dip in Creative Writing and Editing (YU).
Although I have filled my interest field as Translation, I can do whatever that concerns with my professional skills. As I worked in a lady fashion shop, I enjoy customer service and support. I have a talent in communication with many people. Moreover, I enjoy negotiation with different people. Besides, I have experience about two way Translation in writing articles.
I would like to help you anyway as much as I can.

Work Summary

Ongoing Projects: 0

Currently Active Bids: 0

Projects Completed: 0

Total Bids: 0