Shwe Phyo Oo

Shwe Phyo Oo

Freelancer ID 9805746

Sales & Marketing Yangon

SEO Social Media Management Digital Marketing Content Writing (Myan, Eng)

About Freelancer

Hi, my name is Shwe Phyo Oo and you can call me Jason. I am B.A(Tourism) degree holder and I am graduated in 2019. Currently, I am working as a Digital Marketing Executive and my main responsibilities are SEM, SEO and Social Media Management on most of the social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. I am just a guy who is passionate in Marketing and yes, I am also learning to be more skilful so that I can give better service to my clients.

Hope to work with you soon!

Work Summary

Ongoing Projects: 0

Currently Active Bids: 0

Projects Completed: 0

Total Bids: 0